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Education Pages

These pages are dedicated to the dissemination of materials of value to parents and educators interested in improving the quality of education in America and throughout the English speaking world. I have published PDF files of valuable books from the past. There are select links to web sites and articles that I judge as being particularly valuable. 

Below is my third grade picture. The lady on the right is my first grade teacher, Mrs. Pearl Monroe. She taught my dad for seven years in a one room school house.  He skipped the 5th grade. She taught me in first grade and second. 

When I went to school there were two classes in each room. Mrs. Monroe taught me phonics, which explains why I have always loved to read. She read us wonderful books like Bears of Blue River and Uncle Tom Andy Bill by Charles Majors. She taught me to write cursive in first grade, which is all I ever used until I became a teacher. Everyday in her class was fun, as her former students can all testify. She passed away in the middle of my second grade year.  Her students continue to call her blessed for she blessed our lives with gift of the love of learning. My uncle Albert Potter taught me in seventh grade and was the principal of our little country school.  

Simply follow the links in the Topic Box at the top of the page for your educational topic of interest. Each topic seeks to be as comprehensive and helpful as I can make it. 

My www.blendphonics.org website hosts my Blend Phonics Nationwide Educational Reform Campaign. 

Rising Sun Public Library: My second home when I was growing up. The picture of me on the steps was taken in 1999. The library has since moved to a new location near the high school.    

                                                                                    Mrs. Pearl Monroe, My 1st & 2nd Grade Teacher

Don3rdgrade.jpgMrs. Monroe 

                           Ode to Mrs. Pearl Monroe

                       I love to work with young folk,
                       To see them growing up,
                       To help them learn to read and write,
                       And never to get stuck.

                       I imagine my first-grade teacher
                       Must have felt the same.
                       Teaching us to read really well
                       And never suffer shame.

                       I follow in her footsteps,
                       As she blazed a trail for me
                       With superior pedagogy 
                       For all the world to see. 

                                   By Donald L. Potter, Nov. 1, 2021

I would like to invite you to my Don Potter Educational Training Videos on my YouTube Channel. 

Here is a link to my new (2023) Donald Potter Reading Zone YouTube Channel. 

Articles of a General Nature Regarding Classroom Instruction 

1. The Seven Laws of Teaching (1880) by John M. Gregory. One of the finest books ever written on the fine art of teaching.  

2. The Madeline Hunter Model of Mastery Learning. During my early years in education, I had the privilege of being taught the Madeline Hunter Model of Mastery Learning. I have applied it everyday in the classroom and consider it the secret of much of my success. Every beginning teacher needs to thoroughly understand and master Dr. Hunter's Model if they want to be successful in the classroom. 

3. Tools for Teaching by Fred Jones. I highly recommend Dr. Jones' approach to positive classroom instruction and discipline. His ebook is a "must" for every teacher and parent. Here is a brief video of Dr Jones in Action. I highly recommend the 3rd edition, which is only available in Kindle because of the updates including cutting edge information from modern brain research. Positive Classroom Instruction (1987) by Fred Jones. I took courses in this book twice. Worth its weight in gold. Fred Jones Tools for Teaching: Discipline, Instruction, Motivation. 

4. Slide Presentation of Hunter Lesson Plan Cycle.  Short Presentation of Hunter Lesson CyclePrescription for Improved Instruction: take 10 staff meetings as directed (1976, 1993). Mastery Teaching (1985) by Madeline Hunter. Very helpful. Enhancing Teaching (1994) BY Madeline Hunter. An practical introduction to her methods. 

6.  Excerpts from Madeline Hunter's Enhancing Teaching. Mastery Teaching

7. Here is a cute and informative video on Direct Instruction

8. Precision Teaching. This is an article on the historical development of Precision Teaching. 

9. Fluency: Achieving True Fluency in the Learning Process by Carl Binder, Elizabeth Haughton, and Barbara Bateman. One of the most insightful articles on fluency and precision teaching. Notice mention of the Victory Drill Book. I read the whole article at the end of my Blend Phonics Timed Fluency Training Video

10. “Aims -Growing and Sharing” by E. Haughton. 

11. Academic Child Abuse by Barbara Bateman. This is a must read for policy makers. 

12. The Psychology of Education 2nd Edition by Martin Long, Clare Wood, Karen Littleton, Terri Passenger, and Kieron Sheehy (2011). A comprehensive, up-to-date introduction to the psychology of education.

13. Principles of Instruction: Research-Based Strategies That All Teaches Should Know by Barak Rosenshine. 

14. Cognitive Load Theory. Read this and watch how your students’ learning improves. 

15. Nine Things Every Teacher Should Know

16. Strengthening the Students Toolbox: Study Strategies to Boost Learning

17. Here is a heavy weight article on the failure of Constructivism

18. How to Study in College 7th Ed. (2001) by Walter Pauk. An excellent resource for developing study skills. I took a How to Study Course from Purdue University for a summer credit course before starting at Indiana University. It really helped me maximize my study time and improve my learning. 

19. Educational Psychology (2009) by Kevin Seifert and Rosemary Sutton. A comprehensive and convenient introduction. Educational Psychology (2014, 10th ed.) by Robert S. Slaving. (comprehensive, presenting various views)

20. OER Commons. A gateway to rich educational resources. 

21. Take Control of Noisy Classrooms. Excellent videos. 

23. Anita Archer on Explicit Instruction. A short but information packed YouTube presentation.

22. Psycho-Cybernetics (1960) by Maxwell Maltz.  Every student and educator should study this book. Several of the most successful friends I have ever had told me this book completely transformed their lives. 

23. Preventing Failure in the Primary Grades (1997) by Siegfried Englemann. Although over 40 years old, Englemann’s Theory of Classroom Instruction still outlines the most effective way to convey various types of instruction to students based on underlying cognitive processes. Here is a video of Engelmann explaining Theory of Instruction. 

24. What is Explicit Instruction? This is a blog by Greg Ashman. Also, Why Progressivism in Matters. 

25. The Conspiracy of Ignorance: The Failure of American Public Schools. I like to emphasize the positive but a little dash of sobering reality is good from time to time. 

26. A Brief Review of Research on Forms of Instruction (2019) by Kevin Butler. This well document research paper explains the problems with “discovery-based learning.” 

27. Precision Teaching Resources: An Introduction.
      General information on PT & 5 Stages of Learning Hierarchy: Precision Teaching

28. A Complete Guide to Rosenshine’s Principals of Instruction. Principles of Instruction: Research-Based Strategies That All Teachers Should Know (2012) by Barak Rosenshine. 

“And when I am forgotten, as I shall be, and asleep in dull cold marble, where no mention of me must be heard of, say, I taught thee.” Henry VIII

29. Don’t let the intimidating title intimidate you, “Why Minimal Guidance During Instruction Does Not Work: An Analysis of the Failure of Constructivist, Discovery, Problem-Based, Experiential and Inquiry-Based Teaching (2010) bh Paul A. Kirschner, John Sweller & Richard E. Clark. 

30. The Morningside Model of Generative Instruction (2004) by Ken Johnson & Elizabeth Street. A video explaining Precision Teaching by Ogden Lindsley is a real classic. There is a 2021 edition available. Here are my Notes on the Morningside Model

31. Essentials of Learning for Instruction, 2nd ed., 1988, Robert Gangé & Marcy Perkins Driscoll. A fascinating book full of deep insight and practical help. The Conditions of Learning and Theory of Instruction, 4th ed., 1988 by Robert Gangé is perennial classic in the field. 

32. The Art of Teaching (1950) Gilbert Highet. This was required reading in my college education class. 

33. Psychology Applied to the Art of Teaching (1897). This venerable old work has a lot of valuable insights. 

34. Inviting School Success: A Self-Concept Approach to Teaching and Learning (1978) by William Watson Purkey. Recommend by Dr. Eugene Roth, Jr., on 5/16/24.