Biblical Hebrew

Purpose Statement: The purpose this Hebrew Page is to help believers in the Messiah to learn to make practical use of the Old Testament in Hebrew for their spiritual and intellectual enlightenment.


Listen to Dr. Louis Tyler read The Shema.


Ruth in Hebrew

Here is Dr. Louis Tyler's marvelous oral rendition of Ruth from the Hebrew Bible. Ruth is a book often used as a basis for teaching the Hebrew Language. These mp3 files will prove very helpful to experienced scholars as well as beginning students. Order his audio recordings at AudioHebrewBible. Click on the chapter you want to hear: Chapter 1, Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. The Book of Ruth: Hebrew Text with Grammatical Notes and Vocabulary (1951) by A. R. S. Kennedy.

John Dobson's book Learn Biblical Hebrew. This is one of the best available book for beginners, especially those working without a teacher. The audio recording is excellent. Here are the 14 audio files from Baker 

Teach Yourself Hebrew by Professor R. K. Harrison.  

A Practical Grammar for Classical Hebrew (2nd ed) J. Weingreen. This was my Hebrew Grammar in college. It is still a classic in the field. Here is an there pdf of A Practical Grammar for Classical Hebrew

Here is a Complete Video Course in Biblical Hebrew by Denny Petrillo featuring Menahem Mansor´s Biblical Hebrew Step by Step. 

Here is a Recording of the Entire Hebrew Bible.  They are not changed with a melody, but are clearly pronounced in Sephardic-style Hebrew. Here is information about Abraham Shmuelof the speaker. 

A Grammar for Biblical Hebrew by William D. Barrick (2004). Here are the Videos that go with this excellent Hebrew textbook. Here is a link to Dr. Barrick’s Website

This website is especially good for learning Hebrew: Hebrew4Christians.

On the Reliability of the Old Testament (2003) K. A. Kitchen. 

Biblical Hebrew: A Student Grammar (Draft Copy) 2009 by John A. Cook and Robert D. Holmstedt.

Here is audio for the entire Hebrew Bible Old Testament. Read bu Abraham Schmueloff. 

The Academy of Ancient Languages also has a recording of the O. T in Hebrew. Hebrew-English Interlinear Bible.

Old Testament Introduction: General and Special by John Howard Raven (1910) old book of continuing value. He also wrote The Essentials of Hebrew grammar with Lists of Words for Memorizing.

Emanuel Tov, Ph.D. Scribal Practices and Approaches Reflected in the Texts Found in the Judean Desert.

Free Hebrew-English TANAKH: The Jewish Bible. Can be downloaded. 

Linguistic Analysis of Biblical Hebrew (1988) by Sue Groom. Very helpful, good background information. 

W. L. Roy, 1846. A Complete Hebrew Critical and Pronouncing Dictionary

Edward Robinson's 1844 A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament. Not a very good scan. i have found that studying the lives of great Bible scholars motivate me greatly in my own modest efforts to understand God’s Word. The Life, Writings, and Character of Edward Robinson by Smith and Hitchcock (1863) is one such book.  

Brown, Driver, and Briggs A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the OT (1906: a standard work). 

T. J. Conant's 1853 translation of Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar. I believe the original translation was 1839.

Joana Julia Greswell Grammatical Analysis of the Hebrew Psalter. A very helpful aid to reading Psalms in Hebrew.

Isaac Nordheimer's 1842 (Second Editon) A Critical Grammar of the Hebrew Language.

W. R. Harper's 1885, 1921 Elements of Hebrew by an Inductive Method.

Charles Prospero Fagnani (1903) A Primer of Hebrew. This was designed for people studying Hebrew without a teacher. It was something of a preparation for Davis' Hebrew Grammar. 

Biblical Hebrew for Beginners (1951) by Ovid r. Sellers & Edwin E. Voigt. A very helpful book recommended by E. C. Colwell in The Study of the Bible (1937, 1964). Colwell also recommends Biblical Hebrew (1951) by T. W. Nakarai. Here is some interesting information on T. W. Nakarai. 

S. R. Driver 1890 Notes on the Hebrew Text of the Book of Samuel.

J. C. L. Gibson 1994, Davidson’s Introductory Hebrew Grammar - Syntax. James D. Martin’s 1993 revision of Davidson’s Introductory Hebrew Grammar. An excellent grammar for beginning students or review. Considerably condensed and more manageable than earlier editions. 

Thomas H. Weir 1899 A Short History of the Hebrew Text of the Old Testament.

T. H. Horne MDCCCXXXIII A Compendious Introduction to the Study of the Bible. See the section on Hebrew.


Bishop Robert Lowth's 1829 Lectures on the Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews

Robert Lowth 1824 Isaiah: A New Translation with a Preliminary Disseration and Notes, Critical, Philological, and Explanatory

Moses Stuart 1824 Hebrew Grammar with a Copious Syntax and Praxis

Moses Stuart 1850 A Commentary on the Book of Daniel. 

For those interested, here is A Discourse Delivered at the Funeral of Professor Moses Stuart

Moses Stuart 1842 Hints on the Interpretation of Prophecy 

Moses Stuart 1852 A Commentary on the book of Proverbs

Moses Stuart 1852 A Commentary on Ecclesiates

Moses Stuart 1828 A Commentary on the Book of Hebrews 

A. B. Davidson 1904 Theology of the Old Testament 

Gleason L. Archer, Jr., A Survey of OT Introduction. (1964, 1974)

William Henry Green 1895 Unity of the Book of Genesis. Students interested in learning more about W. H. Green will find a rich treasure of information by reading, Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Appointment of W. H. Green

William Henry Green 1863 .The Pentetuch Vidicated from the Aspersions of Bishop Colenso

William Henry Green 1895 The Higher Criticism of the Pentatuch

William Henry Green 1899 General Introduction to the Old Testament: The Canon 

William Henry Green 1891 The Argument of the Book of Job Unfolded

William Henry Green 1889 A Grammar of the Hebrew Language

William Henry Green 1871 Elementary Hebrew Grammar with Reading and Writing Lessons with Vocabularies. 

Joseph Lewis Potter 1877 An English-Hebrew Lexicon Being a Complete Verbal Index to Gesenius' Hebrew Lexicon. Note: This is an English to Hebrew Index. 

J. G. Murphy 1867 Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Genesis

The 1881 Revised Version of the Bible. To go with this see The Old Testament Revision: A Handbook for English Readers. by Alexander Roberts (1882).

George Rice Hovey 1902 A Hebrew Word-Book for Study and Class-Room

S. G. Green 1901 Handbook to Old Testament Hebrew 

 J. W. McGarvey 1982 The Authorship of Deuteronomy. My professor, R. C. Foster, took his first class under McGarvey in 1905. G. F. Moore was the only professor he ever had that he considered close to McGarvey as a Bible scholar. 

R. Dick Wilson 1922 Is the Higher Criticism Scholarly

James Orr 1907 The Problem of the Old Testament with Special Reference to Recent Criticism. Here is a review of Orr's book in the 1907 Princeton Theological Review by John D. Davis. The review conveniently summarizes the  book. 

John Howard Raven 1906 Old Testament Introduction: General and Special. Conservative. Here is a short review by John D. Davis in the 1907 Princeton Theological Review

W. H. Vibbert 1876 A Guide to Reading the Hebrew Text; for the Use of Beginners. A superb introductory text with many attractive features for beginners. 

S. P. Tregelles 15th. ed., 1911 Hebrew Reading Lessons Consisting of the First Four Chapters of the Book of Genesis and the Eight Chapter of Proverbs with Grammatical Praxis and Interlineary Translation. A very handy book for getting in some Hebrew reading practice. 

A. B. Davidson's 1901 Introductory Hebrew Grammar with Progressive Exercises for Reading and Writing. F. W. Danker tells us, "Beginners in Hebrew Grammar have found Andrew Bruce Davidson's An Introductory Hebrew Grammar (Edinburgh 1884), 25th. ed. rev. John Mauchline (1962), useful for grasping the inner consistency and logic of the language. The book is conveniently arranged for self-instruction. A companion volume, Hebrew Syntax, first appeared in 1894. The third ed. (Edinburgh, 1901) has been reprinted frequently. 

Gesenius Hebrew Grammar (1898). A standard work. 

Hebrew Vocabularies (1882) W. R. Harper. Word frequency lists. 

William Henry Lowe (1882) Hebrew Student's Commentary on Zechariah: Hebrew and LXX. A handy book for students wanting to read a Hebrew text. He also wrote a concise Hebrew Grammar

The Psalter of the Great Bible 1539  by John Earlie. A masterful and penetrating study into the history of the Psalter. 

Enoch S. Price 1922 The Elements of Hebrew. A very nice little introduction. 

"From Bishop Ussher to Edwin R. Thiele" (1980)  Sigfried H. Horn. A short paper of Thiele's contribution to Biblical Chronology. Also see Rodger C. Young's "Three Verifications of Thiele's Date for the Beginning of the Divided Kingdom".  (2007)

J. S. Perowne The Book of Psalms; A New Translation, with Introductions and Notes Explanatory and Critical (1870). Well worth consulting. 

Edward J. Young (1907-1968) Articles by Dr. Young. Dr. Young’s son wrote an important book, “The Bible, Rocks and Time: Geological Evidence for the Age of the Earth. He is an Interview with Dr. Young concerning his book and how he came to his views. Here is a more in-depth with Dr. Davis and hs co-author Ralph F. Stearley: Part 1, Part 2. Part 3, Part 4, Part 5,
Part 6.

The Hebrew Student’s Commentary on Zechariah (Hebrew & LXX) by W. H. Lowe (1882). A Hebrew Grammar by the same author makes a nice companion to the commentary. 

The Creative Week (1862) by G. Rorison. He was a progressive creationist. John Collins mentions Rorison as a “exemplary progressive creationist." Rorison writes, “The strata of the earth are the resister of divine acts strictly creative and supernatural: each marking a step in an ordered progress cullumating at last in a man.” (p. 279) This essay was in reply to “On Mosaic the Mosaic Cosmology" by C. W. Goodwin in Essays and Reviews (1861)

An Introduction to Hebrew: A Guide for Learning and Using Biblical Hebrew (2017) by William Fullilove. 

J. Weingreen (1959) A Practical Grammar for Classical Hebrew. This was my first Hebrew Grammar. 

Michael Adler, (1929) First Steps in Hebrew Grammar with Exercises and Vocabularies. A friend of mine said he studied this book in Cambridge, England. 

The Great Courses: Biblical Hebrew: Learning a Sacred Language (Course Guidebook). by Michael Carasik. 

John H. Marks and Virgil M. Rogers (1958) A Beginner’s Handbook to Biblical Hebrew. This is a very fine Hebrew grammar. It is a very convenient size for carrying about. There is also a workbook. It is a shame that this grammar is no longer published. 

A Grammar for Biblical Hebrew (Revised Edition, 1995). A highly regarded beginning grammar. 

Hebrew Teaching and Applied Linguistics Ed. Moshe Nahir (1981). Includes article by William LaSor on the Inductive Method.

Isaiah 53 Explained! by Mitch Glasser. A good explanation of why Isaiah 53 refers to the atoning death of Jesus. 

The Anchor Bible: Ruth: A New Translation w/Introduction, Notes & Commentary by Edward F. Campbell, Jr. (1975)

Genesis Unbound: A Provocative New Look at the Creation Account (2011) by John Sailhammer. 

Why was the NT Translated into Hebrew (2016) by Eran Shuali. I find it interesting that one reason was as an aid to learning Hebrew. 

Translating the OT: Learning from the KJV Bible (2016) by James E. Robson. A most interesting study. 

F. C. Cook (Ed.) Speaker's Commentary

Old Testament

Vol. 1. Part 1. Genesis through Exodus. Vol. 1. Part 2. Leviticus - Deuteronomy 

Vol. 2.  Joshua through I Kings  

Vol. 3.  I Kings through Esther

Vol. 4:  Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Eccl. 

Vol. 5: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations

Vol. 6. Ezekiel, Daniel, and the minor prophets

New Testament

Vol. 1. Matthew - Mark - Luke 

Vol. 2. John - Acts of the Apostles 

Vol. 3. Roman - Philemon 

Vol. 4. Hebrews - Revelation 


Vol. 1. Apocrypha 

Vol. 2. Apocrypha 

Libros en español

J. J. Braun (1867) GRÁMATICA HEBREA  

                                                             Introducing Biblical Hebrew by Allen P. Ross 

Here are some Online resources for students studying Introducing Biblical Hebrew by Allen P. Ross. For one thing, it is a part of the Accordance Bible Study package. There are a lot of of excellent Online resources available for those studying on their own with this text. 

1. YouTube Lectures 

2. Answer Key 

3. Hebrew Vocabulary Videos 

4. Vocabulary Supplement 

This Page was launched on 10/23/04 with the prayer that it will bring believers closer to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.